Trademarks are essential for businesses to establish their brand identity and protect their products or services. However, encountering a trademark objection can be a daunting experience. This guide will walk you through the steps on how to respond when your trademark gets objected.

Trademark Gets Objected

Understanding Trademark Objection

What is a Trademark Objection?

A trademark objection is an initial refusal issued by the trademark examiner during the trademark registration process. It indicates that there are issues with your trademark application that need to be addressed before it can be approved.

Difference Between Objection and Rejection

An objection is not the same as a rejection. An objection requires a response or clarification from the applicant, while a rejection is a final decision that the application does not meet the necessary criteria for registration.

Common Reasons for Trademark Objection

Similarity to Existing Trademarks

One of the most common reasons for trademark objections is the similarity to an existing registered trademark. If your trademark is too similar to another, it can cause confusion among consumers.

Descriptive or Generic Names

Trademarks that are too descriptive or generic are often objected to because they do not sufficiently distinguish your goods or services from those of others.

Deceptive or Misleading Marks

If a trademark is deemed deceptive or misleading, meaning it could confuse consumers about the nature, quality, or origin of the goods or services, it will likely face objection.

Offensive or Prohibited Marks

Marks that contain offensive language or symbols, or those prohibited by law, will also be objected to during the examination process.

Initial Steps to Take When Facing a Trademark Objection

Carefully Read the Examination Report

The first step is to thoroughly read the examination report issued by the trademark office. This report will detail the reasons for the objection and provide guidance on how to address them.

Assess the Grounds of Objection

Evaluate the grounds for the objection carefully. Understanding the specific issues raised will help you prepare a targeted and effective response.

Preparing Your Response

Collecting Necessary Evidence

Gather all relevant evidence that supports your case. This might include proof of prior use, distinctiveness, or any other documentation that counters the examiner’s objections.

Drafting a Strong Reply

Draft a clear and concise reply addressing each point of objection. Be sure to provide logical arguments and back them up with solid evidence.

Responding to Specific Types of Objections

Objection Due to Similarity

If the objection is due to similarity with an existing trademark, demonstrate how your mark is different. Highlight differences in design, color, font, or overall impression.

Objection Due to Descriptiveness

For objections based on descriptiveness, provide evidence of secondary meaning or distinctiveness acquired through extensive use in the market.

Objection Due to Deceptiveness

Counter deceptive objections by clarifying the true nature, quality, or origin of your goods or services and providing proof to support your claims.

When to Hire a Trademark Attorney

Consider hiring a trademark attorney if the objection is complex or if you’re unsure how to proceed. A legal expert can provide invaluable guidance and increase the chances of a successful resolution.

A trademark attorney can help draft a more compelling response, navigate legal complexities, and represent you in case of an appeal, ensuring all legal procedures are correctly followed.

Submitting Your Response

Submission Process

Follow the guidelines provided in the examination report for submitting your response. This usually involves submitting your reply online through the trademark office’s portal.

Important Deadlines

Pay attention to deadlines. Trademark offices typically provide a set period within which you must respond to the objection, often around 30 days.

After Submission

Waiting for the Examiner’s Decision

After submitting your response, wait for the examiner to review your reply. This can take several weeks to months, depending on the workload of the trademark office.

Possible Outcomes

The examiner may accept your response and approve the trademark, or they might issue a final refusal if the objections are not satisfactorily addressed.

Appealing a Decision

Grounds for Appeal

If your response is rejected, you have the right to appeal the decision. Grounds for appeal can include errors in the examination process or new evidence supporting your application.

The Appeal Process

The appeal process involves submitting a detailed argument to the appellate authority within the trademark office. It’s advisable to seek legal assistance for a stronger appeal.

Preventing Future Objections

Conducting Thorough Searches Before Application

Before applying for a trademark, conduct thorough searches to ensure your mark does not conflict with existing ones. This can prevent many common objections.

Choosing a Unique and Distinctive Trademark

Opt for a unique and distinctive trademark that stands out and clearly distinguishes your brand from others in the market.

Trademark Registration Tips

Understanding the Trademark Classification System

Familiarize yourself with the trademark classification system to ensure your application covers all relevant goods or services.

Proper Documentation and Evidence

Ensure you submit all required documents and evidence with your application. Proper documentation can expedite the registration process and reduce the risk of objections.

Maintaining Your Trademark

Regular Monitoring

Regularly monitor the market and trademark registers for any potential infringements or similar trademarks that could affect your rights.

Renewal Procedures

Keep track of renewal deadlines and ensure timely renewals to maintain the protection of your trademark.


Responding to a trademark objection can be challenging, but with a clear understanding of the process and proper preparation, you can effectively address the issues raised by the trademark examiner. Remember to seek professional help if needed and take preventive measures to avoid future objections.


Q.1 What is a trademark objection?

A trademark objection is an initial refusal by the trademark examiner indicating issues with your trademark application that need to be addressed.

Q.2 How long does it take to resolve a trademark objection?

The time to resolve a trademark objection varies but typically ranges from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the objection and the response time.

Q.3 Can I respond to a trademark objection myself?

Yes, you can respond to a trademark objection yourself, but it is often advisable to seek professional legal help, especially for complex objections.

Q.4 What happens if my response to a trademark objection is rejected?

If your response is rejected, you may appeal the decision or make further amendments to your application, depending on the specific grounds for rejection.

Q.5 How can I avoid trademark objections in the future?

To avoid trademark objections, conduct thorough searches before applying, choose unique and distinctive marks, and ensure all required documentation is properly submitted.


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